Wednesday, May 18, 2022

A Glitch

Still on the cool the 50s.

Today SHE SINGS met here to have lunch and make plans for our future gigs.  I set the table last night.

The ponies are enjoying the cooler weather.

This morning I had to take off the heart monitor so I could turn it in to the cardiology department.  Took a shower and was down there by 10:30.
Stopped at Wegmans on the way home and the band arrived by noon loaded with the best dishes to pass.  Just before they got here, the Cardiology Office called and said they were not able to get the information off the heart monitor!  Crap!  Tomorrow I will meet with the Cardiologist and they might put another monitor on me.  They must want to create more anxiety for me.

Lori brought a chick pea salad loaded with olives, carrots, sweet pickles and more.  Vegetarian and absolutely delicious....her version of chicken salad.
I made a green salad.....
Nancy brought a potato salad unlike any that I have ever had.  Roasted potatoes topped with a delicious dressing and rosemary.
Greg brought a fruit salad...

and a very special bread that I need to buy in the future.

Nancy also baked cookies for dessert.
How sweet it is that we not only like to make music, but we also know how to put together a spectacular, healthy meal.
This time we did not play any music....but....we listened to all kinds of songs that we want to learn and started working on a playlist for our next gig at the LeRoy Farm Market.
While we were doing that, Gary drove in to Chapmans to pick up this years San Marzano tomatoes.

He took a nap when he got home and I went out to do evening chores with Little Wonder.
I was totally shocked that Seamus left his mask on all day long!  2nd time!

The tulips are biting the dust.  Iris are next on the agenda.

Dinner?  Leftovers from lunch.  Gary had some of each and I made a big salad.
Someone is still enjoying the cooler weather.  Friday we will be close to 90.
Night all.


  1. What a serene lunch it must have been with healthy choices and all like minded folks ready for their next songs for the gig. It’s times like this we appreciate what talents bring folks together to enjoy each other’s company. Hope the cardiologist can figure out what happened to the monitor readings. Kathy

  2. What a bummer about the heart monitor. The lunch looks really good, you have some mighty good friends there. Those are a lot of tomatoes. I couldn't find a San Marzano anywhere, sold out.

  3. Just a trial run maybe!!! Your heart will be all fired up for the next round. Heat and cold, we were very warm yesterday, further south, where our daughter lives, down to a maximum of 6 Celsius 0r your 42.8 F. on Friday or Saturday. the meal looked fabulous, and roasted potatoes in a spud salad, great idea .


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