Monday, April 4, 2022

You Can Count On It

If there is mud somewhere, Seamus and his horse will find it.  I thought we were going to get a little more sunshine today but it didn't happen.  After morning chores I went up to the loft and got the floor swept....had throne down some hay earlier and Gary stacked it for me.  Opened the door and started picking the hill that goes up to the 2nd floor and at that time I only needed to wear a sweatshirt.  It's going to take awhile to get all the pastures picked.

It's very rare to catch Sophie out of the fenced in yard during the day.  Usually she sneaks out at night.

I had a ham bone in the freezer and made some soup after chores with onions, carrots and cabbage.
Little Wonder had a 2:30 appointment with the groomer and was very excited to go for a ride in the car.

She said he was a very good boy.

Always happy to get back to the farm.

He took his nice clean body out to the barn when we did evening chores.

Naturally, the sun was out in all it's glory.  That was around 6:30.

The secret to making this soup taste good is splashing on some cider vinegar.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. That's a meal in itself. Good to see LW all trimmed and looking very smart. And the felines, glorious to be out there in the open air.


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