Saturday, April 23, 2022

Taking it Easy

A coolish morning and it never did get very warm.  By evening chores it was pretty windy.

After turning out Seamus and his horse, I spent some time picking the small pasture.  This little guy is so independent.  He does not have any need to be where Rebel is located.

The roofers thought they would be here today, but that did not happen and they may not be back until Tuesday.  It's been almost two weeks and who knows how much longer it will take.  In the meantime, Rebel and Seamus can have the run of the place....they could care less about the lift that is still sitting in the front paddock.

As per usual, the sun appeared when it was time to tuck the ponies in.  It may be 60 degrees by 8am tomorrow!  Crazy.
The mini dude realized that it was dinner time and made his way to the barn for some chow.
Not too many photos today.  I took a long nap....
and made a simple dinner with the leftover sauce.

Night all.

The highlight of my day was catching up with our oldest granddaughter, Ariana.  She is a teacher at the Amplus Academy Public Charter School in Las Vegas (2nd year High School) and last night she and 150 students participated in an incredible activity for Culture Day.  Unlike most of the schools around here, there are many kids from around the world in attendance...almost half of the 400. They are proud of their roots and she gave them the opportunity to wear their country's traditional clothing to school during the day and they had performances (mostly dance) that evening.  Here are some photos of Ariana wearing a traditional Croatian outfit.  Her other grandparents are from Croatia and they are very steeped in the traditions she has been exposed to as a child.  She has had the opportunity to travel to Croatia several times.
The scarf she is wearing has been passed down through several generations and her clothing was made with help of a friend.

Nearly 40 countries are represented by the students in this photo.
Ethiopia, Cuba, Croatia, Phillippines, South Korea, Italy, Ukraine, Vietnam, India, Turkey, Eritrea, China, Mexico, Germany, Scotland, England, Jamaica, Ireland, Ecuador, Argentina, Japan, Iran, El Salvador, Somalia, Peru, Guatemala, Thailand, Armenia, Palestine, Cambodia, St. Kitts, Samoa, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Laos and Tahiti. 

This is one very special kid, who knows how to relate to everyone she meets.
So proud! She is hoping this is just the first of many Culture Day celebrations.
In these clips, Ariana is leading the students in a Croatian Dance. "Kukunjesce Kolo."
All of the Habesha kids trying to do the kukunjesce kolo


  1. That's my kind of house! Wow on your granddaughter, she has to be an amazing person. That's a lot of countries represented, mine are in there, but it would be hard not to be! The wind has been off the charts today.

  2. What a delight to have a wonderful granddaughter, she has the world in her hands, and the gathering, the dancing, and her heritage, you can be so proud.


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