Sunday, March 13, 2022


I was all excited about the temperature going up to 32 today and we never made it.  Even got a little more snow.  Tomorrow we should reach 50 and then 40 then up to 60 etc.  10 days above freezing.  I will believe it when all the snow has melted.

However...... the sunrise was beautiful.

After chores I ran a couple of errands and then it was back to the same old do nothing groove.

It's going to take me a couple of days to get used to the time change.  I woke up at 4am and tried to go back to sleep.  Of course it was still very light for evening chores and fine snowflakes were falling.

Little Wonder stuck it out tonight, but was ready to go in when we were finished.

Another picnic supper.  Roasted potatoes, 
carrots, celery.....
and part 2 of the hot dogs.  (Zweigle white hots with no nitrates).
The coming week is going to be very busy with meetings, a massage, bridge, a rehearsal here and a dentist appointment in Batavia.  And I adjuster is coming to look at the barn roofs.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. I hope you get the same weather we are having. It got up to 50 today. There is still snow on the north hillsides, but it was a pleasant day.
    Supper looks amazing!


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