Saturday, March 19, 2022

A Little Of Each

It started off coolish with dense fog down to the ground....

then we had rain, then sunshine, then very high wind gusts that brought down a few more shingles.....then more light rain.  The temperature must have ended up in the 50s.

Our manure pile is huge and will be picked up in the next week or so.  With just Rebel and Seamus it should never get this big again.  Maybe most of it will go on the gardens.  We have several friends who are using it in their's too.
We have decided to put metal roofs on both of our gambrel roofed barns as the windstorms have just destroyed the shingles.  The installer came today and he should get started in a couple of weeks.  Rebel and Seamus were in the far back pasture while we were checking things out.
Little Wonder has been a good boy....sticking close to me.
At 4 Jenny and Scott stopped up with a gate I had ordered to go between the two barns.  It's 12 feet wide so we needed his truck to get it here.  We will install it before they start working on the roofs.  So very fortunate to have such great support from them.

Gary spent a lot of time on the new raised beds.

Needless to say, both horses got wet and rolled.  Seamus did not want me to do his face so that will have to happen in the morning.

Dinner was an instant replay.
Night all.


  1. Raised garden beds, the are such a good idea. Hugh was given a combined family birthday gift in January, a Weber BBQ, that is so easy to use. He now does the meat, sausages, rissoles, veges, and even a roast chook on it. I am spoilt !! I or he pre cooks the potatoes and kumara? Sweet potato maybe for you, and we have a non-stick mat that saves all the scrubbing on the rack. Seamus, you are a trick to get even your face dirty!!!

  2. Hello Lori, I love a wander through your farm and all the activity. Have a great day. Jo

  3. It looks like spring in your part of the world. My enormous garden has given way to 4 old water tanks and a bunch of pots. I can't tend a large garden anymore. Love the raised beds. And your adorable doggo and horses.

  4. Sandra....we used an old water trough to grow mixed greens last summer and it worked beautifully! Why not?


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