Monday, February 14, 2022

Sidney Visits the Brockport Animal Hospital.

It was so cold this morning!  And it only warmed up to the low teens with a wind chill near 0.

Sidney was still taking it easy and I was able to get an appointment for him at 5pm.
Fortunately the sun appeared.

After chores I hit Runnings, Tractor Supply and Country Max looking for hay feeders and finally found them at my third stop.  Making some changes in the horse barn.

Sid has not had too many visits where he needed to be put in a cat carrier and he was not too excited about it... but was perfect for the Vet.  She thinks nothing is broken and he has some soft tissue damage.  I need to watch for an abscess and he will be on some meds for a few days.  At the moment he is sleeping on one of the heaters (hot water baseboard) in the kitchen.
The sunset was gorgeous on our way home.

Thanks to Scott and Jenny we had leftover lasagna, bean salad and some grilled French bread for dinner.
Night all.



  1. Poor Sid. Glad you got him checked out though. I wish the Bengals had won but they tried and played well. I didn’t even watch the half time show. Hip hop is not my thing to listen to and try hearing what the words are. Kathy

  2. Your horses look warm and happy in their winter attire and I am glad your kitty is healing.

  3. Glad Sidney got checked out. Wouldn't it be great if they could just tell us what was going on?


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