Sunday, February 6, 2022

I'll Take It!

Only 10 degrees this morning, but we ended up in the mid 30s with lots of sunshine...again.

Sidney and Little Wonder were not too anxious to get out of bed.

The light was so beautiful.

Gary feeds the birds and they were all over the back yard.
I got a kick out of them "bathing" in the snow.
We were having visitors in the indoor this morning, so I turned on the lights and opened the door before doing chores.  Gary was kind enough to snow blow a path over to the driveway next to us.
The Rebel must have watching them (Jennifer and Merlin) as they were walking over (from their barn) for a lesson.

They arrived at 9 so Merlin could get used to the space and the pigeons.... and much to my surprise, there was a hawk in the barn trying to kill them.  This boy handled it so well, I couldn't believe it.  Within 5 minutes he wanted to roll.
The instructor was there to give Jennifer a side saddle lesson and that is something I know nothing about... so I watched the whole session.  First they did some saddle fitting...and Merlin is going to require an extra wide tree (he is 17'3).  He did not seem bothered by the different position his rider was in.  I learned a lot.
They had a very good experience and were on their way home by 10:30.

My buddies and I had some veg time by the fire....

and Gary went down to St. Lukes for the first "Winter Serenades" concert.
There was a live audience, but this was the first time for streaming and I watched from home to see how  it was going to work out.  I took this video from my iPad.  The Jay Trio is from Rochester and it's such an honor to have performers of this quality coming to Brockport.
I made a pot of sauce and meatballs this afternoon so it would not take long to make dinner after chores.

It was still light at 6pm.  Yay!

No cold feet for Little Wonder today!

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Your daylight hours are creeping up slowly, love the bird baths.


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