Friday, February 4, 2022

High Drifting!

The weatherman called it.  By the end of the day we had well over a foot of snow with drifts that were 3 feet or more.  Gary was snow blowing off and on and I was doing chores and shoveling for 2 1/2 hours.  We can both feel it about now.

I was outside by 7 so it was not very light for photos.

The first thing we had to do was shovel a path to the snowblower, which is under a shed behind Gary's barn.  Then, Gary made a path to the barn and water trough.
This is the first year he has used the snowblower in the the past it was shoveled by hand.  So much better now.

It was pretty windy....

I shoveled this path to the indoor with the fork I use to pick manure.  So much easier than using a shovel.

Little Wonder was with me the entire time and was happy to get back in the house.
He and I went out again around noon, and where were the horses????? In the back pasture again.  I still don't get it.  All the hay is in the paddock and behind the grooming room....or in nets under the shed roof.

Sidney went out last night and did not come back to the house this morning because the snow was too deep.  Finally got him to join us after the driveway was clear.

The rest of the day we vegged.

There's a little more snow out there now, but we are not going to do anything about it until tomorrow.
Dinner.  Leftover sloppy Joes, chips, carrot sticks, dill pickles and deviled eggs.  Another winter picnic.

Night all.



  1. Sidney, I hope tonight you stay inside!!! That looks like a massive amount, you almost need a tractor with a snow blade, hope the blower will cope with even more.Here we have glorious rain, almost cool, so good after the heat. wave of the last few days.

  2. Love seeing all kitties snug as a bug inside warm and away from that heavy snowfall. It’s a good weekend to read. I am not into watching the Olympics. Kathy

  3. Perhaps the horses wanted to take snow baths? Mine go out and stand in the snow all the time ... and sleep in it.

    Wow, that looks like a lot of shoveling/snow blowing. Glad you are safe.


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