Sunday, February 27, 2022

Correction. It's Seamus, not Shamus.

Quite a day.  Cold, windy, snow squalls, a little sunshine, Angel and Elliott left for their new digs and I made some corn chowder.

Sidney is putting some weight on his leg now, and still loves hanging out in the house much of the time.
I'm going to miss being greeted by Elliott and Angel each morning.

The person trailering them arrived around 10 and it took a very long time to load.
Karen's boyfriend was here to help and he was terrific considering it was his first experience watching the process.

After an hour and a half,  all of a sudden Angel decided to get on and boom!  Elliott joined her.  Karen said they arrived at their new home safe and sound.
Seamus and Rebel now had the run of the place.  I was happy to see the sun for a short time.

The highlight of Little Wonder's day was hanging out by the fire.  I was out there from 7:30 - 11:30 and he stayed with me for 2 1/2 of those hours.

When I finally got back in the house I took a breather and then made a big pot of corn chowder.

In the meantime, Sidney spent hours on the bed.

Before evening chores we had another burst of sunshine.....
and Sidney was still on the bed....
I removed a gate that was on the end of Rebel's stall and set it up differently.  Now it's 8 feet longer.  When he went in for dinner he checked out the addition and then started eating...
Seamus toured the entire area before finally going into his stall.

Chores would have taken me around 15 minutes if I had not rearranged the feed room.

A salad and soup was very satisfying for dinner.

Of course there was some color in the sunset just before dark.
Night all.



  1. Our daughter had trouble loading her horse MANY years ago, eventually, after a handful of hay, a chewed thumb, luckily left in one piece, the farm owner suggested that we get a long rope to either side of the float, and angle it out very wide, then as her horse came closer, to narrow the ropes in. It worked, but was done very slowly. Life will be quiet but the cats have the right idea to stay snug and warm. Down here, 9 Celsius this morning. a down jacket to start the day posting a parcel to the above daughter for her birthday. TOO many covid cases here and near her for either of us to travel for the 6th March.

  2. Loading can always become an issue. But thankfully it got done and everyone arrived safe and sound right? Success!

    Looks like you had a good day and sounds like Seamus is going to enjoy his time with Rebel.


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