Wednesday, February 16, 2022

"All Ya Gotta Do Is Sing"

It did not feel that warm this morning because of the wind, but we almost hit 50.  Around noon it started melting and will continue to so tomorrow.  It looked like this from the kitchen window before I went out to the barn.

and from the porch...

We still have tons of snow....let's see how this pile look tomorrow.

When we get a lot of snow I make sure there is some space in the front paddock that his been cleared out so they can eat without being in 2 or 3 feet of snow.  We spread the old hay so there will be some texture when it turns into ice. (Friday)

Little Wonder probably won't need his red coat tomorrow morning.
I was in the barn from 7:30 - 11.00 messing around....getting a stall ready for a new occupant.

Gary was kind enough to put up a couple hay racks, which will be easier that bagging the hay.

We rehearsed here today.
I'm loving the 50s songs.

You can't imagine what a pleasure it is to be part of this group....having the opportunity to play and sing each week.  A warm fuzzy.  Hopefully our practices will pay off by the time we have our two gigs.
We practiced for about 3 hours, so I was happy to have leftover Lasagna Alfredo Soup for dinner.
Night all.

Check out Little Wonder's brother....Bug.



  1. It’s nice having some normal activities to do and be a part of, finally. And to just do what makes you happiest such as singing has got to help boost our immune systems. Kathy

  2. Bug is cute!
    And singing is wonderful.

    Love the hay racks...


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