Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Little Break Today

Started off in the low 30s and it got cooler and windier as the day went on.

Little Wonder was off to a slow start and I was tired from tuning in to Sidney several times during the night.

Gary and I decided to run some errands around 10:30.  Sid had asked to go outside at 6am and just happened to come to the house before we left.  He and LW listened to music together while we were gone.  
He is still gimpy, but it does not seem to stop him from getting where he wants to go.  So glad we have him back home.
So where did we go?  First we went to the Big M near Elmgrove so I could buy a lot of Camay soap.  No other store carries it, so I buy about 15 bars at a time.  Then we went to Dick's at the Greece Mall so Gary could get some stuff for his yoga class.  Not much luck finding what he needed. Our third stop was Jackson's Bakery so we could pick up some cannolis and a couple kuchens.  You could hardly find a parking spot and there were a dozen people in line ahead of me.  That is one very busy place....Valentines Day and the Super Bowl.  I wish I had taken photos of their special cakes.  Our last stop was at Pasta Bella for lunch.  By then we were hungry.  Home by 1:30 with our stash.  Jen and Scott stopped up to grab one of the kuchens for breakfast tomorrow and I gave them a Buffalo Bills hat...being modeled by Scott.
I really had to drag myself out to the barn for evening sleepy.
Fortunately the wind had died down quit a bit.

All were tucked in and I could not wait to get back in the house for a NAP!!!!
Night all.  No cooking tonight.



  1. You really are amazing with all that you do! So good that you shop local. Love seeing all of the animals. Take care

  2. Nice day for some shopping. We saw from a distance the new Dicks at Eastview mall and it has an outdoor skating rink! Glad Sidney is staying in more to rest up and heal from being outdoors. It’s so cold again. But I have all our munchies for the big game for a party of 2.


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