Sunday, January 2, 2022

Time To Put A Heavy Blanket On Rebel

We had snow, it was grey and the temperature was in the 20s.  Going down in the teens tonight.

Little Wonder definately needed his red coat.

He sat with (on) me while we watched the Buffalo Bills game.
Of course the fire was going.
Fortunately they won, and will be playing the Jets a week from today.  The people watching the game had to be freezing....the Bills Mafia is so loyal.
Around 4:30 Jennifer rode Merlin over.
Fortunately it was not so dark when I went out to do evening chores....still grey tho.

Leftover pasta for dinner.
I must say, these covid times are sure lowering my activity.

Night all.



  1. Thank you for letting us visit. Looking forward to Sunday. Sidesaddle is a new learning adventure for me and Merlin. See you Sunday.

  2. It was cold here yesterday and even Charlie decided not to stick around outside. The mules found a sunny spot and laid in the snow.
    Hope it doesn't get too cold for you guys!


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