Saturday, January 15, 2022

Thank You Sunshine!

It could have been a lot worse this morning.  4 degrees at 7:30, but no wind or snow.

Little Wonder had to hot foot it to the barn so his feet would not get too cold.

Much more comfortable inside.  A balmy 11 degrees.

I decided to dump all my old barn jackets and went on a hunt for a new one.  Four stores later!  When I got home around 11:30 it was 7 degrees.
Chicken salad sandwiches for lunch (second day in a row).  So, the first day I made the chicken we had it on mashed potatoes with a salad.  The next day we had chicken and gravy on homemade biscuits.  Two days later, chicken soup...then chicken salad sandwiches.  We are chickened out and still have soup left... it weighed under 6 pounds and we sure got our monies worth.

All the cats were in and out and will continue that for the next few hours.  Sidney goes out the most and has two cubicles and two ginormous crates filled with hay (one in the barn and one on the barn porch).
He does know how to catch hours of zzzzzzs in the house until late afternoon.

You know this drill.....
Around 2:15 KB came to check out our horse barn roof as we are going to replace it with metal.  So tired of having shingles blown off.

The sky was beautiful but it was still very cold.  The horses spent a lot of time eating hay in the run in by their stalls.
Little Wonder snuck out the door without his red coat and went for quite a run while we were checking out the roof.

There was some very good light this afternoon.  The solar sure warms up the west side of the house.
I decided to make French Bread pizza for dinner.  Made sauce....

Cut the bread in half and added a butter/garlic powder mixture.
Then I sautéed an onion and
some little peppers.
When it was time to make dinner I had everything ready.
Made a quick salad...
then I toasted the bread.
added sauce
onions and peppers
mozzarella cheese....
and put it back under the broiler.
Never did this before and I would do it again.  Of course that was enough for an army, so we have more leftovers.
Night all.  Time to watch the Buffalo Bills game.

1 comment:

  1. I have probably said this 100 times, I love your cooking! Wow!

    It was cold enough here that Charlie decided NOT to go walking with me the other morning. He decided he'd stay on the couch except for the essential jobs outside that were short and quick.


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