Friday, January 7, 2022

Single Digits....

Snow showers, wind and plummeting temperatures.

Little Wonder went out for 30 seconds while I went to the mailbox and discovered why he needs to wear his red coat.  It was very windy.
We have lived at our farm for over 40 years and just got public water a few months ago.  Last Saturday, received a letter from the Monroe County Water Authority informing us that we had a leak somewhere and in our first quarter had used 32,000 gallons of water!!!!!!  On Tuesday an inspector came to help us figure this out.  We already suspected that it was the hydrant nearest the house as you could hear a noise when you listened to the pipe.  That was it alright....but in addition, our reverse osmosis system was dumping water.  We called NE Water and they assessed the situation.....arriving at noon today, in this frigid weather, to remove the hydrant and reconnect the water line directly to the hydrant in the barn.  They had everything done in under two hours and have to come back to take care of the reverse osmosis system.  At least we can turn it off so we are not wasting water.  So grateful to have this taken care of.

Little Wonder and I spent some time by the fire
until it was time for me to go have the oil changed in my car.
Stopped at Country Max and Wegmans before coming home and we ended up having leftover rice and chili for dinner.
Time for a nice hot shower.
Night all.



  1. Phew, hope you don't have to pay for the water. LW, you need that Red Coat every day when it's so cold.

  2. Good thing he has that coat! Besides, it makes him easy to spot. We had minus temps for the past few days, I hope you don't get those.


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