Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My Mojo Is Starting To Work....

These beautiful sunrises are short lived.

Every week we seem to get a new blossom on one of the plants....they must like being inside.

(My screen saver)

After chores I did a lot of laundry, remade the bed, cleaned the downstairs and watered the plants.
At last.  We had a She Sings rehearsal.  It made my day.

It was late when we finished so I made a quick dinner.

My poor flowers are toast.....
However, Gary brought home a couple of plants and a wreath from Sara's.

So back to the dinner.  
Made some pasta in a brown butter and sage sauce topped with Romano cheese.  The other day we brought in our potted sage plant so I just cut off some leaves.
Quick and so easy.  
Tasted great.
I must say, that having something to do today was very energizing.
Night all.


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