Friday, December 31, 2021

A Very Quiet New Year's Eve.....

We had some sunshine today and the temperature was in the high 40s.  Not a drop of snow in sight

As soon as I got to the barn, I cleaned up Rebel and his filthy blanket..

It was a little foggy, but that did not last very long.

I spent hours looking for photos so I could do a review of 2021.  Now my favorites have to be picked out of the 300 I selected.
Took a break around 3 and went outside with Little Wonder.  At that time, it was gorgeous.

My pup watched while I picked up sticks.

No cooking tonight.  No parties.  No nothing.  Just want to take a hot shower and put on some PJs.  I am worried about some of my friends and family members who will be going out tonight.  Jenny and Scott are at a wedding.
Night all.  Let's hope for a Happy and much Healthier New Year, not to mention the need for people to work together in way that will benefit all.  Civility would be nice.....



  1. May we all
    Have a healthy New Year. I am staying home and relaxing in my PJs.

  2. Tomato Thymes. I am doing the same. Happy New Year and thanks for tuning in to my Journal.

  3. I went hiking during the day but stayed home and enjoyed peace and quiet for the evening. I watched movies with hubby and then read a book.
    So very exciting! Not.


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