A Very Quiet New Year's Eve.....

We had some sunshine today and the temperature was in the high 40s.  Not a drop of snow in sight

As soon as I got to the barn, I cleaned up Rebel and his filthy blanket..

It was a little foggy, but that did not last very long.

I spent hours looking for photos so I could do a review of 2021.  Now my favorites have to be picked out of the 300 I selected.
Took a break around 3 and went outside with Little Wonder.  At that time, it was gorgeous.

My pup watched while I picked up sticks.

No cooking tonight.  No parties.  No nothing.  Just want to take a hot shower and put on some PJs.  I am worried about some of my friends and family members who will be going out tonight.  Jenny and Scott are at a wedding.
Night all.  Let's hope for a Happy and much Healthier New Year, not to mention the need for people to work together in way that will benefit all.  Civility would be nice.....