Thursday, December 16, 2021

65 Degrees Today...

Warm enough at 7:30 to take the sheets off the horses.

Of course that meant rolling and getting all muddy.

We did not have sunshine for long and the wind kicked up.
I worked on some Christmas cards for family this afternoon.  Years ago, we would hand paint about 50....then we went to painting one and having them we need to get motivated.

Karen did evening chores and I went out to get some of the mud off Rebel.  Tomorrow they will need sheets again as it will be in the high 30s.  The barn was nice and toasty.

Yesterday, my friend Nancy (She Sings) gave me this wine bottle with Twinkie lights in it!  I love it and would like to make some.  It can be turned off and on (there is a triple A battery in it).
I had to make a real dinner tonight....we have had enough junk for awhile....

Chicken, linguine with a lemon butter sauce topped with parsley (we still have some growing on the back porch), and a salad.  Delicious and simple.

Bridge was cancelled today and we won't play again until January.  Covid concerns.  Our county has picked up many new cases.
Taking the rest of the night off.
Night all.



  1. A couple years ago we used a wine carboy and lights to make a decoration for our porch. It was the neighbor's and he was going to throw it away simply because there was a dead mouse in it. He just can. not. cope. with dead mice. So we took it away and flushed the dead mouse out. Then we decorated it up just to tease him about it some more and show him it had been purified. Finally his wife took it back and integrated in with the other carboys without him knowing it. LOL! Almost any glass bottle with fairy lights in it is a pretty holiday sight.

  2. I put twinkle lights in colored jars and bottles, they are so charming and really do seem cheery on cold nights.

    We are back to cold nights and sort of temperate days of 30ish. Our mud is dry and hard now so when the mules roll they are knocking off their mud.

    Crazy weather! I hope it stays more decent now for a while.


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