Friday, November 5, 2021

Out to Lunch with John, Hanny and Gary

It was hard to get out of bed as I could not sleep last night.

Pretty frosty this morning.

For awhile, there was some pretty good light.

This afternoon Gary, Hanny and I had a lunch date with John LaFalce
at Alex's in Batavia.
John is a retired Congressman.  Hanny (1986-2002) and our Jen (for John's last 7 years in office) used to work for him in his Spencerport office.
We were so busy talking I did not take any photos of our food.  I called it dinner and had their signature ribs.  Always good.
As a Congressional Aide,  for 7 years Jenny had some terrific opportunities.  This was her first job after grad school and it certainly shaped her career.  She started off as an intern.
One year she even went to the Presidential Ball at the White House.
John and Hillary were friends, and in the photo below Jen and Hillary showed up wearing the same outfit, looking like mother and daughter.
Needless to say, old times were a big part of the conversation.

John and Hanny have stayed in touch for over 35 years and it was nice for them to see each other today.
When we got back to the farm I took Little Wonder out for a walk and noticed that Rebel did not have his sheet on.  I have no idea how he got it off, but it involved breaking the buckles off the chest area.
Fortunately he seemed fine.  I wish I had been able to see how he pulled this off.  Anyway, I put an old stable blanket on him and will try to make his sheet a closed front version.

Between food and no sleep, all I want to do is go to bed.

Night all.



  1. What a wonderful catch up with friends, no sleep is the worst way to start a day. Good frost, sign of the winter ahead.Down here, massive flooding in some areas, cold wind here,Covid continues to run wild, more positive cases every day. so far our little town is safe.That could change in the blink of an eye!!!

  2. I hate it when I can't sleep, but lately I have been doing better!

    Our mules will disrobe any other equine with a blanket. Once we left a mule with a halter on and the others grabbed it and led the mule around.
    Funny he got the buckles undone! :)


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