Saturday, November 20, 2021

I Blew It....

A chilly day.  Chores were different this morning without Berlin there.

 Went to the store and then did some house cleaning as Carol and Topper were coming to dinner. When that was done I started getting things ready.

We had a serious frost last night and these were the only flowers that survived.
Before I started cooking, had evening chore duty.  Muddy horses.

The plan was to make chicken French with linguini, a salad and grilled pita bread.

Nuts and fruit before dinner.

The chicken, pasta and salad were great.  The sauce for the chicken French was TERRIBLE!
You can't wing that part and I really messed it up.  It tasted like lemon rinds and salt.  AWFUL!  Tried to doctor it and it did not work....lesson learned about following direction more carefully.
Carol and Top brought a chocolate cream pie for dessert.  Decadent.
After dinner we played Mexican be continued the next time we are together.
Thank you Ariana....for introducing us to this game.

Night all.  I am so tired.


  1. Lori, whatever sent you to ED has knocked the stuffing right out of your gumboots. A few days total rest, ignore the weather, and try and relax as best you can. I am thinking your mind is spinning in circles and the " Off Switch" isn't working the best right now.I hope a few days will make things somewhat better, seeing a stall , not empty, but without Berlin there, ???Again, I'm lost for words. Heaps of love and more from down here.XXXXX

  2. I think your mind and body are still missing Berlin. Please give it time. You two had such a long time together.

  3. Your meals still look amazing even if an ingredient might have been missing much like you are missing a pet who has been with you for a long time. Give yourself time to grieve as it’s important and I think the older we get it’s harder to accept mortality in all that surrounds us. I am so very sorry for your loss of a beloved family pet. Kathy

  4. I am so very sorry for the loss of your, beautiful and loved Berlin.

    Take Care,

  5. I can't believe all the support I have gotten between my Journal and FaceBook. It really helps, and I thank you!


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