Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Very Different Thanksgiving

Not quite so cold this morning, but very grey and damp.  Dark in the barn at 7:30ish.

To be on the safe side, we soloed for Thanksgiving and so did Jenny, Scott, Finn and Coop.
She did the bulk of the cooking and I made cranberry sauce....
pumpkin pie...
butternut squash....
and Waldorf salad.

Once again, we spent the afternoon relaxing.

At 4:30 Gary went down to Jen's and picked up green beans, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and a big piece of cheesecake which fell over and landed on the driveway!  We had delivered what I made earlier in the afternoon so it worked out very well.  At the last minute I made deviled eggs....just sounded good.  This was a piece of cake compared to years past when I was cooking much of the day.  Jenny did a great job!  Notice the fancy serving go containers.
Everything was so delicious and still warm when Gary got home.
(and this is what the cheesecake looked like....a good thing there was a lid on it!)
Now, we will take it easy until the Buffalo Bills game starts at 8.
Night all.



  1. We shared a great dinner with our son and daughter-in-law too, but ate separately. Hope this is the last year for this. Happy holiday to you and yours.

  2. That is pretty awesome. I'd planned solo for us too. Our community is losing more people each week than we lose in car wrecks in a year.
    However, I did visit with my neighbors who are all vaccinated and work at home/school at home. We had a nice visit.
    Looks like an amazing meal!

  3. It was a dreary day down here too. We did dinner for two to be on the safe side (yours looks scrumptious), and then had a turkey nap before the Bills Game. Thankfully staying up was worth it. And this morning when I opened the drapes it was snowing snowballs. Cinnamon Rolls in the oven for breakfast.


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