Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Big Booster...

At last!  Some sunshine after dreary days and several inches of rain.

Water, water everywhere and a real boot sucker of a morning

The pasture.....
the outdoor arena....
a closeup of the big pasture.

Ariana went into Rochester with Jen, and I had a She Sings practiced at 1.
I turned on the heater in the Studio and we were very cozy.

First time for this one.....

Finished at 4.  Ariana got to listen for an hour.

The horses were in and out of the water and it has started to to go down a little.

The trees have finally started changing their colors.

At 6 we were in LeRoy getting our Moderna booster shots.  Our friends Helen and Mark were there at the same time, so we decided to celebrate by going out to dinner at the Eagle BBQ and Brew.

Now let's hope we don't have side effects.  I have to play bridge tomorrow!
Night all.



  1. I had my Pfizer booster and just had a sore arm for a bit. Otherwise no big deal.

    Looks like you had plenty of rain. We are still pretty dry here, my creek bed is mostly dry!

  2. We got our moderna boosters Tuesday and had no side effect except sore arms as well so hoping you both feel well. Sure is another level of protection to feel better about being out and about. Kathy


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