Monday, October 25, 2021

Name That Tune!!!!

This is going to be one very weird post!!!!
It rained last night and was still raining when I went out to the barn.

Not too many pictures were taken.

We were invited out to the Botts for lunch, so at 11:30 Gary, Ariana and I drove down to Jenny's....picked her up and went out to the lake.
The waves were huge, smacking into the shore line.  More rain.  Wild wind!
Carol and Topper had made us a delicious lunch.
Chili, salad, cornbread, homemade applesauce....
and a delicious cookie for dessert.

When we finished eating, Carol asked if we would indulge her by playing a new game she had found.  Of course we all said yes.  It was based on the old "Name That Tune" concept.  You had to pick a card that had three songs on it that were in the order of difficulty.  Everyone was given a kazoo, we were divided into two teams, and the object was to be the first team to get 10 chips.  The number of chips received was based on the difficulty of the songs that were correctly identified.
First of all, it took us awhile to figure out how to play the kazoos and then we were laughing so hysterically we could hardly see through the tears.  Here are a few clips.

What a collection of nutt cases!

Before we left, Jenny and Ariana went out by the lake to take some photos and catch the wind.

After taking a photo of Ariana with Topper and Carol, we headed back to the farm.  By then we were so laughed out!!!
Night all.



  1. Laugh, no wonder you all had tears. I had to Google a Kazoo, not heard of it down here before, and sorry!! Only one tune that I recognised.

  2. Sounds like a fun game. I don't even think I could carry a tune on a Kazoo!
    Those waves were intense.


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