Saturday, October 23, 2021

Getting Ready for Ariana....

The weather change is here and the horse's coats are starting to thicken.

After chores I took a shower and drove to Brockport to join many community members in celebrating the life of our friend, Doug Hickerson.  He passed away a year ago after moving to Virginia with Dianne, but Brockport had been their home for decades. While they lived here, Doug (who loved writing) wrote over 200 human interest stories for local papers.  One of them was about me.

It was a beautiful service and so many turned out to honor him.

When I got back to the farm Gary and I went into high gearing cleaning the house and preparing some food for tonight's dinner along with spaghetti sauce for tomorrow when Ariana (our oldest granddaughter) arrives.  We have not seen her since long before covid's impact, so this is going to be a real treat.
I had evening chore duty.  The ponies were ready to get tucked in.

Our dinner for tonight was straight out of the forties.  A jello/carrot/walnut salad....
and our own mashed potatoes topped with delicious chicken and gravy with peas.
Real comfort food.
Night all.  
Time to get out by the fire.


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