Friday, October 8, 2021

Close But No Cigar

Pretty decent weather today.  The most beautiful part was around 6pm.

Karen and I switched chores as she was going to participate in a golf game in the dark!  Can't remember the formal name for it.....oh yeah!  "Glo Ball."  Should be  lot of fun.
I moved the cat's condo back up on the porch and then cleaned the house.  Gary had already vacuumed the whole downstairs and washed the kitchen floor by the time I got in the house.
More gorgeous blossoms today!  The plants on the porch are so huge, it is going to be quite a challenge to have them all fit inside.
I took  a shower at 12:30 and was ready for bridge by 1....we played until 4.  Lorna was my partner and we lost to Bobby and Hanny by 90 points.  Always such a good time.
Lorna brought an apple pizza for dessert and the crust had cheddar cheese in it.  Delicious!
Thousands of walnuts have fallen and Gary was outside until dark....said he raked up about 25 piles and it was not even half! 
Tucked in the ponies....

and all we had for dinner was a ham and cheese panini with a side of chips.
Night all.


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