Friday, September 24, 2021

#7381 The Big Puff Ball

So cold last night we had to shut the windows and this morning I wore a sweatshirt and a light jacket to the barn.

Before heading out, the light was beautiful.

After chores I ran a couple errands and when I got home....decided to pick the big white puff ball mushroom to see what I could do with it.  First I spoke to my friend Judy about it, then did a search to find out more.  Never ate one of these before.  This one was the size of a bowling ball and the skin on the outside was similar to a piece of suede... peeled it off very easily.
Then I cleaned out the bottom where the root was and took out all the soft gunk on the inside.  Once it was cleaned out, cut it into pieces and sautéed it with onions....
in olive oil and butter.  Saving it for some beef Burgundy.
While I was at it, decided to make some fresh sauce so we could have spags for dinner.

Eventually (I thought it was going to rain, but it didn't) I went out to mow the lawn.

Except for the tomatoes and strawberries, the rest of this garden has been rototilled.
I pass by all these areas when I'm on the mower and keep taking photos.

While I was at the back end of our property, the sky was full of drama.
Gary did all the hand usual.

He brought home this three gigantic mum plants this afternoon and we will work on placing them tomorrow.

At 4:30 I called Judy to see if she wanted to join us for dinner and she said yes.  Picked some greens and got things ready.

We ended the meal by splitting the last of the pumpkin pie.

So nice to catch up.
Night all.



  1. Those plants, guess they were fed with giant food!! Love the green lawns, like bowling greens.

  2. My father in law used to send me out to hunt puff balls for eating. He said they tasted like steak.
    Love the flowers, they look so amazing. It was 40 here last night and my flowers are fading out.
    Nearly time to clean it up and say goodbye to the growing season.


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