Tuesday, September 21, 2021

#7378 More Green Tomato Relish

Not so beautiful today.  Grey much of the time. 

Gary was kind enough to move the grain and shavings out of my car (truck) this morning.  Those bags are so heavy!
I sure didn't take many photos.  After chores I attacked some of the overgrown brush in the front of our house.  Once the waterline is hooked up I want to get that area in better shape.
Lori (one of our band members) came over this afternoon with some pumpkins (I'm going to make a pie).  And I gave her a jar of the green tomato relish along with the recipe.  That motivated me to make another batch.

It's still cooling off and then I will put it in the jars.
Chore duty tonight.
When does daylight saving time end?
It sure is getting dark earlier.

Got them all tucked in....

and then we had dinner.  Tomato sandwiches....
and leftover leek and potato soup.  Fine with me.  Nice and simple.

That's it for now.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Your leftovers even look amazing.
    Cooler out here and easing into the fall routine. I miss the longer days but am enjoying the cooler weather.


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