Sunday, September 19, 2021

#7376 Raspberry Jam and Green Tomato Relish

Another beautiful day.  No humidity with a lot of sunshine.

After breakfast, Gary put together 12 little bouquets to decorate the tables at a fundraiser we were attending at noon.

It was so bright, Little Wonder really needed some sunglasses today.
Before heading over to Northampton Park I picked more tomatoes.  This is what I had left after giving our neighbors all they wanted.
The weather could not have been better for this gathering.

We had a nice lunch and were home in time for Gary to catch most of the Buffalo Bills game.
On the way back we drove past Chris Wilson's to see how the barn is being transformed.  It's going to be beautiful, and the stone work will really stand out.

I did a little reading and then went out to do some weed whacking in the pasture.

When I got back in the house, started making another jar of raspberry jam and some green tomato relish.  I would stack that relish up against any other!  Amazing flavor.

Evening chore duty....

and a very late dinner....sort of an instant replay.
I finally finished my Grisham book (almost 500 pages) and am ready to go get another.
Night all.



  1. Love the jars of flowers, and the relish recipe, yummy.,

  2. Wow, you certainly are the best cook ever! Look at all those zinnias, I really missed being able to plant lots of them this year!

    Beautiful as always.


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