Wednesday, September 8, 2021

#7365 Cooper's 16th Birthday!

Today the Birthday Boy passed the test and got his learner's permit.  He even drove part of the way home.  Driver's Ed starts in a few days.
It rained last night and while I was out doing morning chores we got another good soaking.

Little Wonder and I went out to the Studio for a 1:30 rehearsal....
and I did not record anything.  All new songs today.
By then the sun was out and it was gorgeous.
We went down to Jenny's for Coop's birthday dinner.  He ordered chicken parm and it was delicious!
I brought a salad and Jenny made everything else.....

except for Coop's cookie cake.

Now he and his friend are off to Heather's volleyball game and
we are back home.
Night all.



  1. Wonderful day! Looks like everyone had a good time.
    How in the heck do these grandkids keep growing up on us???

  2. Happy Birthday to Cooper! Getting a learners permit and driving is a big deal. My granddaughter just did the exact same thing. They grow up too fast.


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