Friday, August 27, 2021

#7352 And They're Off!

We finally caught a break in the weather.  Cooler and lower humidity.  Yay!

My friend, "Madonna," stopped up this morning while I was mowing the outdoor arena with a bag full of chocolate chip cookies.  This has been a tradition for decades and she never forgets my birthday.
I did a little weed whacking and then attempted to read my latest Grisham book.  Didn't last very long.
Around 1, Jenny, Finn and Coop stopped up on their way out of town with a car so packed there was not an inch of space left!  They were headed for Cortland and Finn's first day at college.  The Harvey House is going to be very different without him, but it's his turn to break out and see what college life can be.

We wish him all the best and will miss our conversations.
This afternoon I made some chicken stock, which I turned into soup for Little Wonder.
Chicken, brown rice, celery, carrots and peas.  Such a spoiled boy.
Gary finished stacking the 5 face cords of wood and I think we are set for the winter.

Little Wonder loves to hang out on the couch in the living room under a ceiling fan.
I think he was much more comfortable today.
Dinner was very simple.  Meatballs, home fries and coleslaw.
Now I am going to try and read a few more pages.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Wow so busy! We have had endless rounds of rain since Thursday. :) Chicken soup for your dog! How loved he must be!
    I just saw a young man on Thursday who is now headed to college. OH..I recall the day his mom brought him home as a baby!
    How did time fly?


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