Friday, August 13, 2021

#7338 Music!

Another very hot and muggy day.  What a drag!

(this is one of my first horse paintings that was done over 50 years you can see, I was and still am a very loose painter.)
At 2pm a friend came over with her sister who was visiting from New Jersey and just happens to be an amazing uke player.  Between them (both pros) they restrung my baritone uke.  The three of us messed around for two hours and sang several songs I had never done before.  We had such a good time.

Dinner was delicious.  We had the yellow beans I picked yesterday with grilled ham, a salad and corn.  Gary had a lunch meeting with the Summer Serenades Committee and brought them beets, tomatoes and onions.  He came home with the two ears of corn.  We had plenty of veggies tonight.
It was taking forever to upload some videos from my little point and shoot camera, so I grabbed my phone (which I never use) and took some photos on my way out to the barn to sponge off the horses.

Ariana has already started teaching out in Las Vegas....this is a picture from her first day.  She has so many great ideas and communicates well with her students.
Several weeks ago I joined a group called Women's Equine Art and it includes more that 11,000 women from all around the world.  I am posting photos.  This is a painting done by Susan D. who was one of 600 people to view the picture I posted of Berlin.  She and others have asked my permission to paint or draw from my photos and this is the first.  In return, I asked her to send me a copy of her work.  Here it is, and she did a terrific job....looks just like her.  Next on her agenda, is my photo of Wallace.


Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! It will be interesting to see what sort of painting comes out of this!
    Have fun!


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