Monday, August 9, 2021

#7334 Trying to Stay Cool

 We have a heat advisory until 8pm Wednesday.  92 today, felt like 97.

I was not motivated to do much.

After chores I picked some tomatoes and cucumbers.  The San Marzano's are taking their good old time.

By the time I got back to the house, Gary was ready to do some hand mowing.  It was going to be the coolest part of the day, so I joined him on the lawn tractor, which was chugging and puffing.  I thought it was the air filter (which I cleaned a couple days ago) but called Scott for some advise.  He immediately came over and confirmed I was right.  Fortunately, Danny's had one in stock and we were back in business.
This afternoon I made some cucumber relish.

At 5 I forced myself to go to Tractor Supply for some grain and then hit Wegmans for a few things.  By then it was so late I ordered a thin crust cheese pizza for dinner.

Tasted great.  We really like thin crust.
I hope it rains tomorrow....the gardens need a drink.

My buddy was happy to be by a fan.

Night all.


  1. Uffdah! Hand mowing in the heat kind of sucks! However I hope you get a nice rain for the gardens too. We have had a monsoon season here. Some places got 5-8 inches in a few hours and then more later.
    We are okay but things are now squishy instead of dry and hard.
    Heat today too! Stay cool.

  2. It was 90 degrees here for hours making it probably the hottest day we've had so far. And it was sweaty. I was a heat wimp all day. This morning I was out by 7:30 because I wanted to get everything done that didn't get done yesterday. I had almost finished when it began to rain nicely. What a golden moment. The chores are done and the gentle rain is here. There is supposed to be a storm in this but I hope not

  3. SmartAlex. I keep trying to leave comment on your blog, but it won't let me! Loved your homage to the first tomato sandwich. Feel the same way and we are finally getting some red ones.

  4. that's funny. I checked my comments tab and it didn't even go to spam. Maybe I need to reset my comments parameters. Unless the reCAPTCHA is malfunctioning. I can't even get on my cell phone providers site because of the darn security


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