Monday, August 2, 2021

#7327 Mimic Makers by Kristen (Bott) Nordstrom

Beautiful weather today.  Berlin gave me a big "Hello" when I got to the barn.

Her appetite has been so much better since I started adding oil to her grain.  More calories.

After chores Little Wonder and I checked on the veggie gardens behind the studio and brought cucumbers and a few more orange tomatoes to the house.
The strawberries are trying to make a comeback.
How about this amaryllis?  It sat in the living room for months doing nothing, and as soon as I put it outside it took off.

Little Wonder and I ran a few errands after chores.

When we got back to the farm I mowed half of the lawn.
At 2:30 we went to the library for a book signing.
Kristen is the daughter of Topper and Carol and we have known her since she was a child.
Her book, "Mimic Makers,"  has been getting a lot of attention and I can see why.  The reviews have been outstanding.

We went outside, under a tree, and she read the book to us.

So good to see her.  Visiting family for a couple weeks before she returns to her home in California.

I finished mowing when we got home.  Karen and Elliott went for a ride out back.
Look at the coat on that boy!!!!

Gary did the hand mowing.....

and I made dinner.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. I would love to have nothing but flowers like yours instead of my yard! Love love the purple cone flowers and the photos of your yard. It must be an amazing peaceful place to just gaze out over everything this time of year.
    Good to see that Berlin is doing better. I used to add corn oil to Cheyanne's feed too, she liked it much more.


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