Saturday, July 24, 2021

#7318 Off Schedule

Little Wonder woke me at 10 of 6, so I took him out and got all my stuff together in the Studio, as we had a gig at the LeRoy Farm Market and I was being picked up at 8.  Karen soloed on morning chores and I cleaned my stalls this afternoon.  

The Market is located in a park like setting with big trees and the vendors were all in a row facing the street.  Very different from Brockport (where we will be playing tomorrow morning).

We were so organized, we were playing by 9:10.  The temperature was excellent and we were very well taken care of by this man....Scott!
Whatever we needed....he could get it for us.
It's very hard to play and take videos....besides, you have heard all of our music over and over.
Just a couple short clips.  We actually had people singing with us.

It did not take us long to break down and we were home by 12:30.  I was starving so we had leftover pulled pork sandwiches for lunch.  After that, all I wanted to do was take a nap.
Eventually I made it out to the barn to clean stalls and get set up for tonight.
Rebel thought it was time to go in...and the other three were hanging out in the indoor.

Finally....after many weeks of puddles and mud, I was able to mow the outdoor arena.  A few more times and it will be pretty well filled in.

I also mowed the front paddock.
Gary spent many hours working in the garden by the pergola.
He thinks it will be finished on Monday.  A huge job.
I had evening chore duty.

Around 7:30 I heated up some chicken soup I had made earlier in the week.  Lunch was so filling we just had a bowl and it was delicious.
Now I am yawning and need to get prone.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome all the way around! LW is of course such a Wonder!

    No stall mucking here, but lots of areas for the mules to seek shade with this oppressive heat.

    Love the Farmers Market. I went yesterday morning and scored two wonderful pies. I try and see the pie ladies every Saturday and Rich loves it!
    I got some incredible veggies and a beautiful bouquet to decorate my entry table.

    Too hot to ride here and too hot to do much outside!


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