Monday, July 19, 2021

#7313 They Made It To Our House....

A day without rain (so far) but muggy and 80.

I left for a quick trip to Wegmans and the water line crew was getting closer and closer.
Not too long after I returned I could see them from the front porch.

Interestingly enough, we have a lot of bedrock here, and all along the road they have been taking out tons and tons of big boulders.  Across the street from our yard, it looks like smooth sailing.  Just lots of gorgeous dirt, allowing them to move quickly.
After lunch I decided to mow the lawn.  It has grown so fast with all the rain.
The ponies spent part of their day in the indoor again.
Dinner was like a picnic.  Thin sliced pork chop with caramelized onions, potato salad, leftover baked beans and a tomato/cucumber/onion salad with a little crumbly blue.

After dinner Little Wonder and I headed for the barn to feed the horses.

The sky looked like this, and the sun was red-orange....but it would not show up that way on my camera.
Here is the way the pond in the pasture looked the first day after the monsoon.

The second day...
and tonight.  By tomorrow it will all have been absorbed!  Pretty amazing.

I think I am going to have to groom Little Wonder this week.  He's hot.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. The skies have become bizarre but after looking at the satellite photos and time lapses of the wild fires, it is no mystery. Our orange skies in the morning and the evening are starting to feel a bit creepy.

    Nice to see the water main coming along!


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