Tuesday, June 1, 2021

#7264 Little Wonder's Birthday

Little Wonder was born on this day in 2016, but we did not bring him home until August....he was a rescue from Atlanta. The day after he arrived he went out to the barn with me....no leash or anything....and he has not missed chores ever since.

Until a few months ago, he had Phoebe to keep him company.
By the time it got too hot for him, his coat was almost to the ground.
Now he has a summer cut and looks more like a terrier.
He is my shadow...my best bud.  Goes where I go.  Love this little boy.
As for today.  Another beauty. We are on a roll with this gorgeous weather.

The yellow roses and iris must be loving the weather.
My best pal decided to

roll just before we went back in the house
and brought in enough stuff to make a mess.
Late afternoon we went down to watch Finn's baseball game.  It was Senior Night.

An excellent game...they beat Canandaigua.
We got home just in time for me to do chores.

Of course, there was some good light.

Just when I was getting dinner ready, Carina dropped off a couple of her baguettes (strawberries and our rhubarb) and 2 loaves of my favorite Challah bread.  Bartering is the best!

We had leftovers from last night for dinner.  All I had to do was make a salad.
It's late.
Night all.


  1. A gorgeous day for the Birthday Boy, L W, many wonderful good wishes from down here.

  2. What a great day for LW! Happy birthday to him!
    He is a perfect buddy isn't he?


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