Saturday, June 26, 2021

#7290 And Tomorrow It Will Be Even Hotter!

It got pretty steamy today, and tonight it was 80 degrees inside the barn.  I should have mown the lawn but did not have it in me.

The Vet arrived around 9 to give the quartet their shots.  All were well behaved.

Some color is returning to the gardens...perks things up.

This afternoon I organized the little hand cart I bought to haul my uke and stuff when we have gigs.
It sure is going to save making a lot of trips and I won't have to carry that heavy amp.  Not too excited that it is going to be in the low 90s when we are playing at the Farm Market tomorrow morning.  There is a heat advisory from 11-8pm.

The spinach is ready to bolt and I picked what I could along with some mixed greens.
No shortage in that department.
After going to a Memorial Service near Buffalo, Gary continued working in the gardens and fed the birds.  The mulch pile is almost gone.
A simple dinner.  Cold chicken and potato salad.
Chore duty at 7.  Soooooo hot.
I sponged off Berlin and Rebel.  The temperature should go down to the low 70s later.

Little Wonder never complains, no matter what.

Night all.



  1. Total opposite down here, the far south might get snow to sea level, one area has a maximum tomorrow of maybe 3Celsius. The cold Polar Blast reaches us Tuesday morning . Stay cool.

  2. It has been ugly hot and humid here and then we got a storm that moved in on early Saturday. Things stayed hot and humid until this morning and it is cool but damp out now. Much needed rain!
    Hopefully you can stay cool while playing music.
    Bring a large barn fan?


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