Thursday, June 24, 2021

#7288 The Weather Has Been Quite Spectacular....

Another beauty.

After chores I went to Wegmans, got a haircut and picked up a hand cart to put all my equipment on when we have gigs.  So much to carry and our amps are so heavy.
After lunch I mowed the front paddock and the outdoor arena.  Both are filling in more and more....I think mowing helps thicken things up.

Gary has been working in the gardens all day....weeding and adding mulch.  He sure gets a lot of phone calls.
Dinner was leftover pasta and a fresh salad.
I added a few meatballs.

I have a feeling that we are going to have a spectacular sunset.  Little Wonder and I will have to chase it tonight.

By then he may be up from his nap.

Night all.

From 86-87 we had an exchange student from Germany.  We have stayed in touch and she and her family were all set to come here last summer, when covid hit and that got nixed.  Today she posted these two photos that were taken in 1987.  Her name is Sabine.  She is on the left, Jenny is on the right, and their friend Jenny R. is behind them.  Love seeing this old photos.


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