Friday, June 11, 2021

#7274 Out To Lunch

A vacation day....

I'm going to see how many days in a row I can take photos of new clematis blossoms.  
There are so many.

I did a little weed whacking after chores, then took a shower to get ready to go out to lunch.  We picked up Rich and Joan at 11:30 and met Carol and Topper at Pelican's Nest.
Thought it would be fun to sit on the deck, but there was no sun and the wind kicked up.

We ended up going inside and were the only ones in the dining area.  Perfect.

A better view of the river, so I could take a few photos.

We had one of the best waitresses you could ever ask for and had a lot of fun with her.

Our lunches were delicious and we sure had a lot of laughs.  Just may start doing this once a month, trying out different restaurants.  So good to be with friends.  I think we really appreciate it a lot more after being in lock down for so long.

On the way home, we dropped off Rich and Joan...then went to Jenny's to let her dog out for awhile.
When we got back to the farm I picked a few more strawberries
with the assistance of my buddy....
as it was time to make a fresh strawberry no bake pie.

It is currently in the frig waiting for us.

By then, it was nap time and I did not make dinner.

We really enjoyed our day off.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. looks like everyone from feline to canine to equine and then the humans had a wonderful day. Love those strawberries, what a meal all on their own.


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