Tuesday, June 22, 2021

#7286 Cool as a Cucumber...and it Felt Good!

So cool, no masks and no fly spray.

This afternoon I played bridge with Bobby, Hanny and Lorna.  I picked them some strawberries, spinach and mixed greens

As you can see, our kitchen garden has appreciated the recent rain.
The cabbage that was planted in the raised beds looks very healthy.

Got to Bobbie's at 1pm...

and we played until 4:15.  She made a delicious dessert for us.
Home by 4:30.  Finn had come up to help Gary with the gardens for a couple hours.
What an improvement.

In a couple weeks the garlic just might be ready.

We have hundreds of day Lillies that should be blooming shortly.

Leftovers for dinner.  Meatloaf sandwiches and Mac salad.
Little Wonder and I made a quick trip out to the paddock 
to sneak Berlin a little extra grain.

Love taking a vacation day.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. The gardens are amazing! Gosh. What is not to love about good weather and good friends?


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