Monday, May 10, 2021

Post # 7242 Bridge at Last!

The sun was out all day, but it was still a little chilly.

Today Bobby, Hanny and Lorna were coming over for lunch and bridge.  We have been waiting for over a year to do this.  When I got back to the house I started on a tortellini salad.

Served it with some grilled Italian bread and it was delicious.
We played cards for almost three hours and it felt great!

The house is clean, that late afternoon light is coming in the house, we've eaten dinner (hot dogs, chips and leftover sweet and sour red cabbage) and now it's time to take it easy.

Good light.
Night all.



  1. The late sunshine tells that summer is on the way. Here, snow might fall about 2 hours north of us, in the far south too,the nights get dark so early now daylight saving is done.Lovely to get together again, how you all would have missed your bridge sessions.

  2. Dear Lori, your home is so lovely, especially with the sun shining onto the carpets and wood. And your animal companions all look happy and content. Per usual, your meals made my mouth water! One thing I want to mention is your reading the postings I share from Elisa. Your words have so inspired her. Last week you said her writing was "superb." You used that word on a day that had been especially hard for her and the next day she told me that your comment had made her day. Thank you. Peace.


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