Friday, May 21, 2021

#7253 Get Out The Fans

Another day in the mid to high 80s.  Dry as a bone.

Last night Karen removed 4 of the plexiglass windows, so Berlin is back to greeting me when I go out for morning chores.

Gary was kind enough to take apart and wash 4 fans today.  If this heat keeps up we are going to need them.  Generally our old house feels like it has central air, but when it is hot for many days in a row it heats up.  Tomorrow we may have a thunderstorm and 80 degrees with some humidity hanging around.

Late morning Karen arrived to have a lesson on Elliott.  The trainer she had in Florida is visiting.
I raked and mowed the outdoor arena....all that grass seed I threw down is very thirsty.
I was so covered with dust and dirt, had to hose myself and the lawn tractor off.
Also did the indoor, where they set up some jumps and ground poles.
Elliott worked hard and was such a good boy.  I liked the way the instructor had Karen use some dressage moves off and on before they started jumping.  Really liked the lesson.

After that, I went into the house and cooled it for the afternoon.

Chicken salad for dinner....delicious.

Night all.

I really appreciated the comments regarding my post last night about the panel discussion.  Would love to have you experience it with me.


1 comment:

  1. We have been humid here for days... and thank goodness, we finally had 4 days of rain too!
    Today is to be hot and humid and then more rain. Looks like some wet mowing ahead!


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