Friday, April 30, 2021

Post #7232 One Ugmo Day....

At 7:30 this morning, it was gorgeous!  Bright sunshine, green grass and a little crispy.
Did "She Sings" make a mistake cancelling our Arbor Day gig that was set for 10?
When we heard the weather forecast for today it sounded like we were going to have high winds, wind chills in the high 30s and some rain.  Our instruments don't do well under those conditions.
The ponies had their sheets on.

Well it's a good thing we cancelled, as the weatherman was right.  By 10 it was just plain nasty outside.
I made a quick trip to the bank, Wegmans and Country Max and did not do much after that.
Watched a movie and tried to make up for the sleep I lost last night....that didn't happen.
All three cats knew that being inside the house was their best option.
Sidney loves to sleep on top of the heater.

No more excitement.  Just an ordinary dinner.

Night all.



  1. Wise cats, they know when to hunker down. Hope your tomorrow is better.

  2. Love seeing all three kitties snug as a bug inside safe on a windy cold rainy day. Kathy

  3. Our day was nice yesterday. Cool breeze but sunny and pleasant. I took a walk in the deep river valley and it was really warm out of the winds!
    High Fire Danger here today and 80 with high winds and low humidity.
    Strange weather.


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