Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Post #7215 Blue Devils

A little rain and a little shine.

The horses were full of beans this morning.

I had left 4 blankets on the fence so the rain could wash off some of the mud, and now it's time to think about washing them.  Not my favorite job.  Fortunately I was able to get a lot off with a brush.

After chores Little Wonder and I took a ride....
down to Tractor Supply so I could get some pasture mix and grain.
He has excellent manners in the store and walks perfectly next to my cart.

Mid afternoon it got pretty dark and we had a little rain.

The flowers on my kitchen table are going into their forth week...can't believe they have lasted this long.

At 4:45 we went down to the High School Football Field for Finn's Senior night.  Fortunately the weather was decent and by the time we left the sun was out.

After the Seniors were presented, we had to leave as only 3 tickets per family were allowed to stay and watch the game.  Fortunately, we can see it on my computer.
Half time is over, so I'm going to go back and watch the game.
Night all.


  1. I, too, am shoulder height to our grandson. You can be so proud, a wonderful young man and so good looking. Wait till the girls find him!!!

  2. I love the photos of the sports! It is wonderful to see all the masks too...who would have thought this a year or so ago?
    Pasture mix..as in pasture grass mix? I've been trying to find some good seed to toss down in the fall on some of the thin spots in the meadow....

  3. Val, yes....a pasture mix contains several kinds of grasses. Just trying to fill in some spaces. Hopefully this rain will get things going.


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