Friday, April 9, 2021

Post #7211 Spring

The sky looked like this before 7am.

On my way out to the barn at 7:30, it started raining but it did not last very long.

After chores (in my barn ensemble) I drove to Brockport and got a long overdue haircut.
Other than that, not much activity.
I did make some croutons....that was heavy work.
By late afternoon the sun was out and the horses were napping in the front paddock.

Gary did the hand mowing today and I will mow the path around the pastures tomorrow.
It sure looks a lot better around here.
I have had these flowers on my kitchen table for over 3 weeks.
In the meantime we have a gazillion daffodils that I would like to bring in.
An instant replay for dinner.  There was so much left, we froze a couple containers.

Night all.


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