Saturday, March 20, 2021

Post #7191 A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Started off cool and ended up in the 50s.  Brilliant sun all day.

After chores I picked part of the pasture and pulled down some vines.

At 11:30, Jerry brought us another hay delivery.  Karen and I each got 20 more bales.
Organized the hay and took an inventory.  I have 5 different batches of hay....around 100 bales.
Prefer feeding second cutting grass and got Berlin some alfalfa to mix in...especially during the winter.

By the time we were finished, it was warm enough to take the blankets off the quartet.  Hopefully we will not need them much anymore.

Little Wonder, Sidney and I spent some time on the back porch enjoying the sunshine.

This big pot was loaded with strawberries last season and it sat on the porch all winter.  Looks like they are making a comeback.
Jenny stopped up with a loaf of bread made by her neighbor.  Always good to see her.
I made a batch of brownie cupcakes...
Gary grilled some white hots.

and it was time for a Skoog Farm garbage plate.

My routine has now changed, and we eat dinner before I do evening chores.

Got all the ponies tucked in and plan to relax....not that I have been very busy.

Night all.



  1. Blankets off your ponies, while down here we have put another one on our bed.Not sure about the title for your yummy dinner. I have trimmed and skinned all the meat off the huge roast lamb leg, the bone and trimmings go to our friend's dog. Like you, nothing is wasted. Hope your strawberries flourish, here the growers discard their plants after one season if they are in a warmer area, in the colder places they do another round of providing goodies.

  2. Looks great! I brushed fuzzy mules yesterday, their winter coats are starting to let go. Wicked winds today.
    Brats and french fries tonight.


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