Thursday, March 18, 2021

Post #7189. Slim Pickens.....

The weather certainly has an impact on me.  This morning it was a little misty and it felt very damp and cold.  I certainly did not accomplish a lot.  We started off with Gary uncovering our septic tank covers so we could have them cleaned out.  Last night we had the pleasure of having a problem when Gary flushed the toilet upstairs and it backed up into the shower downstairs!  Did not thrill me.  By 9:30 we were back in business.  Unfortunately more work will need to be done in the next week, getting new piping out to the leach field.  It's always something.

This afternoon I spent some time by the fire reading.  What a fabulous book.

Gary has been feeding the birds for months.
Little Wonder was totally bored.
We had the leftover casserole and salad for dinner so I did not have to do much.
Night all.

Perhaps I will get the lead out tomorrow, while we have 40 MPH winds and a freezing temperature.


1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, the winds are headed your way. Yesterday I went down into the valley and was able to escape the winds.
    Damp yucky cold is March after all!
    We are setting up for a beautiful weekend and hopefully it comes your way.

    Our septic has to be pumped and inspected every two years. Not a fun job digging out the cover.


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