Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Post #7173 Last Night Was Really Cold!

All that's left of Phoebe's flowers....the butterfly and a couple ferns.

After chores I had some oatmeal for breakfast with craisins and walnuts.  Normally I'm not hungry in the morning....must have been the cold.

Fortunately the sun came out and eventually we got up to 30 degrees.
I ran a couple errands, but spent most of the day at home.

A lot of the snow we got last night melted, and this yucca plant is breaking out more each day.

Dinner was a replay of last night and we still have some fettuccini left.
The sunset was beautiful.
Back to the fire.....
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. I do wish I could sit by a fire at night and read. That looks so cozy.
    I sent you our big chill from Monday! ")
    Well, not really. But there you go, blame me. We still have snow in places that are deep and other places the grass is showing!

    Love the butterfly and ferns!


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