Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Post #7167 Ice Skating on the Driveway

Beautiful sunrise.

There was a little melting going on yesterday, but then it was below freezing last night so the driveway was a disaster.  Had to be very careful on my way out to the barn.

I raked all the hay out from under the shed roof and spread it so there will be texture on the ice in the morning.  Today it went up to 49 and there was a lot more melting.   All the icicles fell off the roof and if it freezes tonight the driveway will be a mess again.

We have had an electrician and his helper here several times trying to solve a problem from the house to Gary's barn and the indoor.  Today Harry was splicing a cable that will have to be replaced in the next few days.  Another visit.  Cha Ching....cha Ching!
The weather was quite spectacular and I hope it is the beginning of the end of winter.

This afternoon I got together with Nancy from She Sings to practice harmonies on two songs that I need help with.  Fortunately Tom stepped in and made the difference.  I sure have accumulated a lot of gear.
Late afternoon we had a pumpkin pie break and whatever we could grab for dinner.
I know that I will feel like a nap when I get out by the fire.

Night all.

I am still getting cards acknowledging the passing of Phoebe and they are very appreciated.  I have found out that there are friends who read my Journal and have been very tuned in.  Had no idea.  Such thoughtfulness.  Thank you!


  1. looks freezing, get the cleats out for tomorrow.That pie, delicious even to look at far less take a bite.

  2. I second the cleats ... I have a pair that I keep handy. It has saved me so many times.


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