Monday, February 15, 2021

Post #7157 It's On The Way....

Pretty quiet this wind and no sun.  By tomorrow at 7am we could have 9-14 inches of snow and getting to the barn will be much harder.

Here is my before photo of the driveway.  Let's see what it looks like in 12 hours..
I took Phoebe out when chores were finished.  She started off having a great day.  Ate all of her breakfast and lunch, took her pills and seemed pretty good.

She got all the way to this evening and bam....
(Now she is just hanging around just waiting for me to finish this post.)
I ran a few errands this morning....needed air in my tires and a new rear window wiper as the rubber had come off it.  Great service at Spurr's.  Quick and no charge.  I picked up some Senior Feed at Tractor Supply then finished up at Wegmans.  I actually took a nap in bed this afternoon. Getting up a couple times in the middle of the night with Phoebe keeps me from getting regular sleep.  But again...she is worth it.  When she is not fainting, she looks so darn adorable.  I spoke to the groomer about her issues and she is very happy to just give her a nice bath and will trim her face and feet.  No need to shorten her coat at this time.  Little Wonder, on the other hand, needs some serious cleaning up...especially around his face!

I made a good dinner tonight.

Mashed potatoes, chicken with caramelized carrots and onions, and a salad with pears.
And by the way....something interesting for today.  I was talking to a friend yesterday about having to go for a mammogram today.  She said "didn't you hear what they said on the news about having one after your Covid shots?"  I had heard nothing but tried to get more info online.  Apparently, your lymph nodes can look a little different after the shots, which can influence how your mammogram looks.  So at 7:30 this morning I called to change my appointment.  I was told that generally it does not show up that way and if it does, they will have you come back for a recheck.  Well, I was not interested in worrying about it and they were happy to change my appointment.  If you have had both shots, check with your Doctor to see what they think.  I would have had a heart attack if they told me my lymph nodes looked weird and I had to wait 4-6 weeks for a recheck.  So that's my story... 
If you want more info, google covid shots and mammograms and see what you think.

Night all.



  1. Dear Lori, congratulations on post 7157! I think you and I started blogging around the same time. I was 8 October 2008. RE your post today: when you say Covid shots, are these your inoculations? Keep warm. We're having a very wet summer, even flooding in some parts of SA. JO

  2. Tires. With the super cold here my tire warning thingy came on while driving home from Madison last week with 'low pressure'. It was low by almost 2 lbs. So my first job today is to get the car started and put air in the tires at the shed.
    Good info on the mammogram and shots. I know with my upcoming physical this year I will have to go through the big Squeeze.
    As for the weather? OMG. 7 to 14? I sure hope you don't get the big freeze also.


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